On Thursday February 16th, 2017 Black Artstory Month will screen the world premiere of Taja Lindley's new short film "This Ain't A Eulogy: A Ritual for Re-Membering."
Moved by the non-indictments of the police officers responsible for the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, "This Ain't A Eulogy: A Ritual for Re-Membering" draws parallels between discarded materials and the violent treatment of Black people in the United States. Through performance and installation, Lindley is re-imagining how to recycle the energy of protest, rage, and grief into creating a world where, indeed, Black lives matter.
5th Annual Black Artstory Month
The Altar: Rituals of Healing in the African Diaspora
Thursday, February 16th, 2017 | 8pm
Five Spot
459 Myrtle Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11205